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Controllers are responsible for handling incoming requests and returning responses to the client.


To generate a controller you may below commands first one will create a comments controller just into /srcwhereas the secondwill create a comments controller at /src/post`

$ niom go co comments #co for controller
$ niom go co comments post


Post controller implementing an interface with CRUD operations for a "post" model. It uses the Fiber web framework and a logger and response package for logging and handling HTTP responses. Let's walk through the code

import (
dto ""
user ""

The code imports necessary packages and dependencies, including the logger, response, DTO and model packages for the "post" entity. Import may be auto-generated while coding in vscode with help of recommended go extensions

var PostController postControllerInterface = &postController{}

type postController struct {

type postControllerInterface interface {
CreatePost(*fiber.Ctx) error
GetAllPost(*fiber.Ctx) error
GetPostById(*fiber.Ctx) error
UpdatePost(*fiber.Ctx) error
DeletePost(*fiber.Ctx) error

The code defines a struct for the post controller, implementing an interface with methods for each CRUD operation. The postControllerInterface specifies the interface with the CreatePost, GetAllPost, GetPostById, UpdatePost, and DeletePost methods.

func (d *postController) CreatePost(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error {
// method code

This method creates a new post with data from the HTTP request body, using a DTO to map the JSON to a struct. It returns a successful response with the created post or an error response if there was an issue creating the post.

func (d *postController) GetAllPost(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error {
// method code

This method gets all posts, optionally filtered by a query string parameter, and returns a success response with the list of posts or an error response if there was an issue retrieving the posts.

func (d *postController) GetPostById(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error {
// method code

This method gets a single post by ID and returns a successful response with the post or an error response if there was an issue retrieving the post.

func (d *postController) UpdatePost(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error {
// method code

This method updates a post by ID with data from the HTTP request body, using a DTO to map the JSON to a struct. It returns a successful response with the updated post or a no-content response if the update was successful but the response body is empty, or an error response if there was an issue updating the post.

func (d *postController) DeletePost(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error {
// method code

This method deletes a post by ID and returns a no-content response if the deletion was successful or an error response if there was an issue deleting the post.