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Routers are responsible for determining how HTTP requests should be handled and which code should be executed to generate a response.


To generate a router you may below commands first one will create comments router just into /src whereas second will create comments router at /src/post

$ niom go ro comments #ro for router
$ niom go ro comments post

Then you may need to add the router inside registerRouters in the file niom-sample/server/router.go. See below code snippet for reference.

func registerRouters(a fiber.Router) {
//... other codes

//Add Custom routers
//... other routers


Router is entry point of the controller which accept the request from the client direct them for the controller for the action,.

Code Snippet of the router file:

func PostRouter(router fiber.Router) {

route := router.Group("/post")
route.Get("/", PostController.GetAllPost)
route.Get("/:id", PostController.GetAllPost)
route.Post("/", PostController.CreatePost)
route.Patch("/", PostController.UpdatePost)
route.Delete("/:id", PostController.DeletePost)

The PostRouter function takes a fiber. Router object as an input and creates routes for handling HTTP requests related to blog posts. Here is a breakdown of the individual routes:

  • route := router.Group("/post"): Creates a new route group for handling requests related to blog posts, with the base URL path of "/post".

  • route.Get("/", PostController.GetAllPost): Adds a route for handling GET requests to the base URL path of "/post". It maps to the GetAllPost function in the PostController struct, which is responsible for returning a list of all blog posts.

  • route.Get("/:id", PostController.GetAllPost): Adds a route for handling GET requests to the URL path of "/post/:id". The :id part is a parameter that can match any value. It maps to the GetAllPost function in the PostController struct, which is responsible for returning a list of all blog posts.

  • route.Post("/", PostController.CreatePost): Adds a route for handling POST requests to the base URL path of "/post". It maps to the CreatePost function in the PostController struct, which is responsible for creating a new blog post.

  • route.Patch("/", PostController.UpdatePost): Adds a route for handling PATCH requests to the base URL path of "/post". It maps to the UpdatePost function in the PostController struct, which is responsible for updating an existing blog post.

  • route.Delete("/:id", PostController.DeletePost): Adds a route for handling DELETE requests to the URL path of "/post/:id". The :id part is a parameter that can match any value. It maps to the DeletePost function in the PostController struct, which is responsible for deleting a blog post.